Friday, 10 April 2009

Mind maps for sustainability

The Internet is pretty complicated - 'the one thing that humans have created that they themselves don't understand ' is the quote that springs to mind.  In order to make sense of it we have created a vast array of maps and visualisation tools.  The one above shows brands how to navigate the different connection points and communications opportunities that it provides.  Sustainability needs more of these.  Currently it is very disorganised in peoples mind.  Lots of the conversations I have with people take a quite a time for us to orientate ourselves around the same landmarks.  Are we talking about new product innovation, turning the lights off or brand communications.  Or more important are we talking about reducing costs or adding to them, or settling for lower profits or searching for more.  I think we need some more organising principles.

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  1. Yes, Internet is complicated indeed. I like the map you used to give an overlook of what communications and sustainable communications can do.


  2. This one is just for digital. We need to create the one for sustainability where this will just be one part. Could be a worthwhile project???
